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The Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL) is a scholarly publication published by the Faculty of Syariah and Law at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia and is subject to a rigorous peer review process. The journal strives to maintain the highest standards of publication ethics and takes proactive steps to prevent any form of publication misconduct. Authors submitting original articles to MJSL assure that their work is original and does not contain copied or plagiarized content from other sources, thereby complying with the MyCite Selection Criteria, Elsevier policies and ethical principles, and the COPE Best Practice Guidelines Journal Editors.
Ethical Guideline for Journal Publication.
Ethical guidelines for publication in peer-reviewed journals are critical to establishing a coherent and highly respected body of knowledge. The publication of an article in the peer-reviewed Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law (MJSL) reflects the quality of the authors' work and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles are fundamental to strengthening and disseminating the scientific method. Therefore, it is essential to establish a set of ethical standards expected of all parties involved in publication, including authors, journal editors, reviewers, publishers, and the Society.
As the publisher of MJSL, the Faculty of Syariah and Law at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia takes its role in ensuring ethical practices at all stages of publication very seriously. The MJSL recognizes the responsibility to behave ethically and comply with other relevant obligations.
The Responsibilities of Authors
In order to maintain the integrity and quality of research publications, authors are expected to adhere to ethical guidelines in all stages of their work. The following guidelines outline the duties of authors:
The Responsibilities of Editors
The Responsibilities of Reviewers
Ethics on Post Publication
Amendments: Authors may request changes to their published works for various reasons. Such changes can be divided into four categories, namely Erratum, Corrigendum, Retraction, or Addendum.
Erratum: it refers to a formal notification of a significant error made by the journal during the production process of an article that could potentially affect the scientific integrity of the publication, the reputation of the authors, or the journal itself.
Corrigendum: it is a formal notification of a significant error made by the author(s) of an article that could potentially impact the scientific integrity of the publication, the reputation of the authors, or the journal itself.
Retraction: a formal notice invalidating the results of a published article. All co-authors must sign the retraction stating the error and briefly explaining how the conclusions of the article are affected. In deciding whether to retract, consideration will be given to whether subsequent information not known at the time of publication has seriously undermined or invalidated the main conclusions of the article.
If readers feel that a published paper should be retracted, they should notify the Editor-in-Chief. The editor will then consult with reviewers to determine whether the new information might call into question the main conclusions of the published article. The author of the article will also be given the opportunity to provide an explanation of the request.
Addendum: it is an official notice that offers further details or clarification to a previously published article. It is often issued in response to requests from readers seeking further clarification on a specific aspect of the publication.
Penalties and Sanctions
The MJSL Editorial Board is solely responsible for determining the appropriate action to be taken in cases of plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered a form of scientific misconduct and is a serious violation of publication ethics. The journal takes such misconduct seriously and will address it promptly and accordingly. The Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Boards, and Reviewers are the primary parties responsible for detecting instances of plagiarism in manuscripts submitted to the journal. Given the gravity of such a charge, confidentiality must be maintained throughout the process. The details of the plagiarism charge, along with any supporting materials and the outcome, should only be disclosed to those involved in the review process.
It is important that authors follow due process and maintain confidentiality in all cases of alleged plagiarism, falsification, and other forms of unethical conduct. Such cases will be handled in accordance with the Publication Code of Ethics established by the Editorial Board. If the Editorial Board determines that unethical conduct has occurred, the manuscript in question will be rejected, and if the article has already been published, it will be immediately withdrawn. Depending on the nature of the misconduct, authors may be barred from submitting articles to the journal for a period of one to three years. The journal reserves the right to evaluate issues of misconduct such as plagiarism and redundancy on a case-by-case basis.
To the authors: If plagiarism, forgery, fabrication, or substantial omission is found in a manuscript, it is considered unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. In such cases, editors and/or reviewers must report the alleged misconduct to the Editor-in-Chief, who will take appropriate action and notify the Editorial Board. Depending on the severity of the case, consequences for authors may include notification, rejection of the manuscript, retraction of the published article with a notice on the website, prohibition of submissions to the journal for a specified period of time, and informing the authors' institution of the unethical behaviour for their further action.
To the members of the Editorial Board: the reputation of the journal depends to a great extent on the integrity and fairness of the members of the Editorial Board. Therefore, they are expected to show a high degree of commitment to this goal. If there are complaints of misconduct against a member of the Editorial Board, the complainant should contact the Editor-in-Chief. The Editor-in-Chief will then provide the journal Editorial Board with appropriate documentation to support the violation of publication ethics. If a member of the Editorial Board is found guilty of such unethical conduct, they will be removed from their position. The sanctions imposed on them will be the same as those imposed on authors found guilty of misconduct.
Ethical Guidelines for Human Subjects Research
To comply with ethical principles, researchers who wish to conduct studies with human participants must meet a number of conditions. These include:
Privacy and Informed Consent for Publication
Protecting the privacy and anonymity of research participants is crucial. Therefore, we respect individuals' right to anonymity and take all necessary measures to protect their privacy.
Authors are required not to disclose identifying information unless it is essential to their contribution. If they do provide such information, such as patient data, they must confirm that they have obtained written consent from the individual by using the consent form for publication in MJSL.
MJSL thoroughly reviews all submissions for potentially identifying information and documentation of patient consent for publication. If the journal finds identifying patient information without proper consent, the journal will not consider the submission for publication.
In cases where identifying information is discovered after publication, the journal will temporarily withdraw the article and remove any content that may compromise participant privacy.
MJSL Scopus Quartile
MJSL Scopus Citescore
Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law | E-ISSN: 2590-4396 | ISSN: 1985-7454
Faculty of Syariah and Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, 71800, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
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