Revenue Sources and Publication Charges


All readers and authors of Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law can enjoy the benefits of free open access. We believe that free open access promotes accessibility and use throughout the world, serving the professional and scientific community, as well as the wider community. Because there are no fees charged for access, Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law offsets the cost of publication (including the costs of peer review management, journal production, online hosting, and long-term archiving) by charging article processing charges (APC) to authors, institutions, or funders for each published article.

Article Processing Charges

All articles accepted after June 1, 2019, are subject to "Article Processing Charges" to provide free access to readers and to cover the costs of peer review management, journal production, online hosting, and long-term archiving. This APC is valid for the current calendar year and may be changed at any time at the sole discretion of the publisher. The submitting author is responsible for payment of the APC and must confirm, at the time of submission, that s/he will organize payment of the APC, should the article be accepted for publication. This responsibility may not be delegated to any third party unless agreed to by the publisher. 

Note: APC will be billed after the article "Accepted" and will not affect the peer review process.  

For article accepted for 2024 publication and onwards:

USD 550 (International author)
MYR 2500 (Domestic author)

We request that you evaluate your potential to obtain funding for the Article Processing Charge before submission, not after acceptance.


Article Submission Charges

Effective April 2025 onwards, a non-refundable Article Submission Fee is imposed for each manuscript submitted for publication consideration.

This fee applies to all authors submitting their papers to MJSL and is intended to cover initial administrative costs, manuscript handling, and preliminary review processes, ensuring an efficient and systematic evaluation before peer review.

Please note that the regular Article Processing Charge (APC) still applies upon submission acceptance. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.

Payment Details:

  • Amount: RM200 (local author) / USD 50 (international author) per submission
  • Payment Deadline: upon submission


Payment Method

1. Cheque/Money Order /Bank Draft shall be made in the name of BENDAHARI USIM (Department of Bursary USIM).

2. Payment by EFT/MEPS IBG based on following details:

Beneficiary Name : Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
USIM A/C No. : 05058010008884
Bank : Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB)

3. Payment information by EFT/MEPS IBG should be attached to the discussion part in OJS system or be e-mailed to MJSL Managing Editor: and copied to: 

5. Bank Account information for foreign telegraphic transfer:

Beneficiary Name : Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)
USIM A/C No. : 05058010008884
Beneficiary Bank : Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad (BIMB)
Branch Code : 4005058
Swift Code : BIMBMYKL
Branch Address : Ground Floor
PT7183 & PT7184
Jalan BBN 1/2E, Bandar Baru Nilai
Nilai 71800, Negeri Sembilan.


MJSL Infaq

We do accept financial endowment as to support our APC Waiver Policy and half of our operational cost in maintaining MJSL. Your support matters and it plays a vital role in advancing the scholarly pursuits and dissemination of knowledge within our academic community. Your generosity enables us to uphold our commitment to making high-quality research accessible to a wide audience, fostering intellectual growth, and contributing to the betterment of society as a whole.

With your contributions, we can continue to waive the Article Processing Charges (APC) for deserving authors who may face financial constraints, ensuring that groundbreaking research and innovative ideas find their rightful place in MJSL without barriers. Furthermore, your support directly fuels the operational sustainability of MJSL, allowing us to uphold rigorous editorial standards, conduct peer reviews, and provide an exceptional platform for intellectual exchange. Notification of transaction shall be made to with mail subject: MJSL Infaq.


Additional Information

Management of this journal is monitored and audited regularly by the Journal Section, USIM Press, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, a form of fulfilling the quality assurance of scientific publications.