
  • Stefan Koos Faculty of Economics and Organisational Sciences, University of the German Armed Forces Munich, Germany



AI, Artificial Intelligence, Human dignity, Personification, Legal PErson, Strict Liability


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is being integrated into systems influencing decisions, analysing complex situations and conducting processes, which may be dangerous for humans. Yet AI is not strong enough to be able to feel or suffer and maybe it never will. However, the complexity of AI deciding will grow with the technical progress and it should be discussed, how far we are willing to integrate future AI systems into important social processes such as legal decisions or teaching. The article seeks to give an overview over constitutional problems of an integration of strong AI systems into social deciding processes. It analyses the ability of AI to have similar legal positions as natural persons and corporations in the light of the question, whether AI can be an agent for ethic. Furthermore, it presents options of a liability for damages caused by the activity of AI systems. The article is the paper of a presentation on the topic held by the author on October 25, 2018 at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM).


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How to Cite

Koos, S. (2018). ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE - SCIENCE FICTION AND LEGAL REALITY. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 6(3), 23–29.