Rebellion, Insurgency, Islamic law, Customary international lawAbstract
Communication refers to exchanging of information or news. In today’s high advanced technology of society, communication becomes one of the most challenging areas to the government and society. Any kind of information or news could be spread rapidly in a few second irrepressibly, which could – at some cases- threaten the security of a country as well as the peaceful life of a society. In view of this, it is vital to have an adequate education in communication laws especially for those who will be involved in that sector. Thus, this paper highlights the Malaysian Communication Laws course prepared for some programmes in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia with special discussion on how its modules might shape the personality of the students by combining the civil and Syariah approaches. This article applies the library research method as well the instructors’ experiences as a basis of arguments and discussion. The findings show the significance of learning the course with such dual-approach in shaping the Muslim students’ or learners’ personalities with the hope they are equipped intellectually and spiritually in handling the current and upcoming confronts and challenges.
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