Shariah, Social Reconstruction, Zakat, Poverty, NigeriaAbstract
Niger State of Nigeria is one of the twelve northern states of the federation which adopt Shariah as a legal system during the fourth republic. The state emphasizes social reconstructions in its approaches to Shariah implementation and hence, establishes Zakat and Endowment Board for collection and distribution of zakat items. This paper examines the activities of the Board within the time frame of 2001-2017 with the objective of identifying the level at which the aims of its establishment had been achieved. Historical research method was used in carrying out this work. Authors read previous literatures related to the work for background information and further conducted interview with stakeholders in the government and beneficiaries of the program. Result of the literature and information from the interviewee were analysed and discussed and findings of the work revealed that if Muslim individuals and concerned Muslim organisations did not stand up to strengthen the institution of Zakat in Niger state in particular and in the Shariah compliant states in general, the institution will be a shadow of itself. If poverty shall be alleviated through a veritable institution of zakat, it is recommended that formidable Islamic organizations in the state such as Jamaatu Nasrullahil Fatih Society of Nigeria (NASFAT) and Federation of Muslim Women Organisation of Nigeria (FOMWAN) should collectively work on creating an independent zakat board that will help in alleviating poverty in the state.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Abdulwahab Danladi Shittu, Shehu Folohun Ismail, Muhammad Nasiru Ndaman

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