Criminal justice, evidence, Common law, Islamic law, standard of proofAbstract
In criminal litigation, evidence plays a very significant role in ensuring that justice is delivered. Nevertheless, justice cannot be achieved without the correct application of standard of proof. Failure to apply the correct standard of proof could result in miscarriage of justice. This paper examines the concept of standard of proof from the Islamic and common law perspectives. It also analyses the similarities and differences in the application of standard of proof under both legal systems. This study is a doctrinal research and utilises qualitative methods. The primary and secondary data are gathered using the documentation method obtained from library, legal statutes and reported cases. The gathered data are then further analysed using content analysis method. Findings of this study show that there are similarities and differences in the concept of standard of proof in criminal cases under both legal systems. In spite of the similarities, several applications under the common law should not be referred or utilised in litigating Syariah criminal cases. This paper suggests that the standard of proof under Islamic law is to be harmonised with the common law in the prosecution of criminal cases in the Syariah courts. The research conducted contributes towards the knowledge in distinguishing between the Islamic and common law principles particularly for countries that practise Islamic criminal law.Downloads
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