
  • Dina Imam Supaat



non-refoulement, refugee, customary international law, domestic courts


The application of international custom in domestic courts is a contentious exercise. This paper examined the importance and applicability of the principle of non- refoulement in domestic courts. Discussion begins with the scrutiny of the formation of the principle as international custom. Next, it deals with the status of international customary law in the domestic legal framework of a dualist state with the analysis of the judicial response to attempt to invoke international custom in cases. The result shows that there are legal impediments that must be removed to enable meaningful application of the principle for the benefit of refugees.


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Author Biography

Dina Imam Supaat

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Syariah And Law, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM)


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How to Cite

Imam Supaat, D. (2017). PAVING THE WAY FOR THE NON-REFOULEMENT PRINCIPLE IN DOMESTIC COURTS. Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 5(2), 24–46.