The Concept of Moral Surveillance and Human Rights: An Overview from the Shariah Law




Hak asasi manusia, pengawasan moral, perundangan syariah


This study investigates the concept of moral surveillance and human rights in accordance with the Shariah law and its significance to the Muslims, particularly in Malaysia. Furthermore, this study seeks to rectify the misinterpretation of the factual meaning of moral surveillance. It is also to disprove the allegation that this concept contravenes the rights of human beings, and hence should not be enforced in the society. The notion of human rights is accepted by most people on earth. Human rights are indispensable elements of life that must be preserved to ensure justice and harmony in a societal life. As a religion encompassing all aspects of life, Islam elevated human rights in various ways by outlining comprehensive laws to protect the human life in various circumstances. These laws include moral and ethical codes. This study adopted the descriptive qualitative method. Analyses were conducted on writings of the past and recent scholars on the issues of moral surveillance and human rights. This study concluded that moral surveillance outlined by Shariah law is in line with the notion of human rights. In fact, the concept of moral surveillance in Islam if implemented is able to preserve the harmonious life of the society and the nation.


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How to Cite

KONSEP PENGAWASAN MORAL DAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA: TINJAUAN MENGIKUT PERUNDANGAN SYARIAH: The Concept of Moral Surveillance and Human Rights: An Overview from the Shariah Law. (2017). Malaysian Journal of Syariah and Law, 5(2), 114–137. https://doi.org/10.33102/mjsl.vol5no2.65