Transformation, Islamic Law, Tarjih, Muhammadiyyah, COVID-19Abstract
The study entitled " Implementation Of The Islamic Law Transformation’s Rule (Taghayyur Ahkām) During Covid-19 Pandemic In The Perspective Of Majelis Tarjih Muhammadiyah In Indonesia" aims to uncover and analyze one of the methods and rules of law-making (istinbāth ahkām) carried out by the Muhammadiyah fatwa institution, the Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid, or known as "Manhaj Tarjih Muhammadiyah." One of the many methods used by Majelis Tarjih in issuing legal decisions and fatwas is the Rules of Islamic Law Transformation (taghayyur ahkām). The research also attempts to contextualize the rules of Islamic law transformation with the decisions or guidelines for the implementation of worship (Ibadah) that have been issued by the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership through the Majelis Tarjih, especially during the current Covid-19 pandemic. The results of this study are beneficial both practically and theoretically. The practical benefit of this research is that it may provide guidelines for the implementation of worship during the Covid-19 pandemic based on argumentative arguments and the principles and objectives of Islamic law, one of which is guarding religion (Hifz ad-Dīn) and guarding human lives (Hifz an-Nafs). Meanwhile, the theoretical benefits from this research are to expand the knowledge and discourse of Islamic scholarship, especially in the field of Islamic law. Thus, Islam can manifest in the midst of mankind to provide real solutions to existing problems. This research uses qualitative research focusing on library research with descriptive analysis. Consequently, the researchers applied the Ijtihād of Majelis Tarjih’s Method known as "Manhaj Tarjih Muhammadiyah" written by Syamsul Anwar as well as based on the results of the Tarjih National Assembly (Munas) XXX in Makassar in 2018, also the decision of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership No. 02/EDR/1.0/E/2020 regarding Guidelines for Worship in Covid-19 Emergency conditions and several other Tarjih fatwas related to guidelines for carrying out worship during the Covid-19 pandemic as primary data. In addition, the secondary data are from various sources, such as fiqh books, ushul fiqh, and maqaṣid as-syarī'ah. Besides, the study uses a content analysis approach to bring up the messages objectively and systematically.
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